5 sectors which will see impactful RFID disruption in 2017

RFID is the core of new-age technologies such as IOT, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence. The accurate data that RFID can help generate is a valuable treasure trove that enables these areas of technologies to thrive and grow. The world is moving towards connected devices, personalization, virtual and augmented reality and “last mile” tracking. RFID…

Difference between barcode and RFID

Before we begin, I would love to revisit the concluding part of our introductory blog. Our objective of creating this blog is to provide: Correct and accurate knowledge on various aspects of RFID Simple and easy-to-understand presentation of knowledge on RFID with examples from daily life Opportunity to discuss and learn more about RFID from…

Why should I read this blog?

There are millions of blogs on the internet. There are many posts, articles, white papers and material to read on our area of interest – Radio Frequency Idenfication (RFID). Why should one read our blog, then? A very valid question and we endeavor to give a compelling answer in the next few lines as well…